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All the latest news and updates from the Not Just Travel Headquarters
All the latest news and updates from the Not Just Travel Headquarters
The government has announced the first list of destinations that have made it to the green list for travel to resume 17th May.
With the ban on overseas travel set to be lifted on 17th May 2021, the government have started to roll out what holiday's overseas will require.
We are excited to announce that we can now arrange your COVID tests required for your holiday!
The 'Global Travel Taskforce' has today paved the way for a safe return to travel. This means it's exciting times for holidaymakers.
Join our panel of experts for the latest travel trends and news!
Join our panel of experts for the latest news and trends in travel!
Join us for the latest episode of travel trends and news where we discuss where's popular right now and what's the latest with travel.
Join us for the latest episode of travel trends and news where we discuss where's popular right now and what's the latest with travel.
After Boris Johnson’s latest statement, moods have been lifted at the thought of having a summer where holidays are back on the cards.
Want to know how you could win yourself £100 of travel vouchers? Check out our latest live video!
New rules will be in place for those arriving into England from Monday 18th January.
The UK government has launched a replacement for the European Health Insurance Card (Ehic), the new card is Global Health Insurance Card (Ghic).